Since the dental implant treatment consists of a dental surgery, a patient ought to pay attention to each and every step of it for an easy and comfortable full recovery. The dental care after implant treatment is one of the most important steps because keeping the mouth clean has a direct effect on a successful oral surgery.
The dental care after implant treatment starts with brushing teeth the day after the surgery. However, the patient ought to be extremely careful. If there is tenderness on the surgical site, the patient can clean it with a softer toothbrush for a few days. After a week, the tenderness is like to o away.
The other step of dental care after implant treatment is rinsing. However, a patient ought not to spit or rinse at least for a day after the dental implant surgery. Since the pressure which is caused by spitting or rinsing may irritate the wounded area, and the healing process may be damaged.
One another thing that should be considered in the dental care after implant treatment is eating and drinking. The patient ought not to have any hot drinks or foods at least for a day after the dental implant surgery. That is how the mouth can have a better chance to recover in a proper way.
The patient is also recommended to put an ice pack to his face over the area in which the dental implant surgery was done as a dental care after implant treatment. The ice pack can easy the pain after the surgery and give comfort. The ice pack also helps minimizing the amount of swelling.
When Can Teeth Be Brushed After Implant Placement?
The tooth brushing after implant process can start 24 hours after the dental implant surgery. However, the patient ought to be careful and brush delicately in order not to harm the wounded area. The patient ought not to use mouth wash for at least 2 weeks. However, he can rinse his mouth with mild salt water.
Can Dental Floss Be Used After Implant?
The post-implant process is extremely critical for the recovery of the wounded area. Even though flossing is important for dental health and it is a part of dental care routine, it is better to avoid the wounded area and the teeth around it. The patient is not recommended to push the floss down into the gum that has been cut.
What Precautions Can Be Taken for Infections That May Occur in The Mouth After Dental Implant?
The wounded area ought not to be infected for a full recovery. There are ways to prevent infection after dental implant. After the dental implant, a dentist or dental specialist give certain instructions including those ways. The patients are recommended to follow those instructions carefully in order to have a full recovery.
Here is a list of ways to prevent infection after dental implant that a patient can follow.
- A patient is recommended to rinse regularly.
- A patient is recommended to maintain the dental health care routine.
- A patient is recommended to visit his dentist in the scheduled time.
- A patient is recommended to keep away from the food that may harm the wounded area.
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