To simply explain, a tooth extraction is a procedure which must be performed by a dental expert in order to remove a tooth from its socket. Dental experts usually try their best to save the original tooth. However, there are situations where tooth extraction is required, which can be listed as below.
Impaction: One of the situations where tooth extraction is required is impaction. When a tooth pushes directly against another tooth while growing, a tooth impaction occurs. This misdirected tooth may could cause bleeding, red, tender or swollen gums. The patients who suffer form a tooth impaction probably have complains about pain, difficulty in opening their mouths, and swelling around their jaw.
Tooth Decay: One of the other situations where tooth extraction is required is tooth decay. Tooth decay can be caused by the build up of tartar and plaque. Because of this, the tooth becomes weak and brittle. In a bad case scenario, the tooth can get infected which cause severe pain, redness and swelling.
Gum Disease: Gum disease is one of situations where tooth extraction is required. The reason why a patient has gum disease is similar to tooth decay. Since build-up of tartar and plaque cause gum disease. Gum disease is also known as periodontal.
Trauma: Trauma is one of situations where tooth extraction is required. Unfortunate events such as sport accidents, car crashes, or house accidents can be a reason for a tooth trauma. When a tooth is too damaged to be saved, a tooth extraction is needed.
How is tooth extraction performed?
When it is determined that a patient has one of the situations where tooth extraction is required, the patient is given certain chemicals in order to numb the area around the tooth which is going to be removed. That is how the patient does not feel pain. A tooth removal instrument, which is called an elevator, is used to loosen the tooth in the gum. And then the forceps are placed around the tooth. Finally, the tooth is pulled out from the gum.
Does Tooth Extraction Hurt?
This is the question which is asked by any patient who is going to have a tooth extraction. To answer it fairly, it can be said that the operation does not hurt. Since the patients are given nitrous oxide. In worse cases, the patients may also be given oral sedatives and even anesthesia.
How to overcome the fear of tooth extraction?
The fear of tooth extraction is a real struggle to have. When a patient fears of tooth extraction or simple dental operations, the dentist or dental expert should be understanding and tolerant. A patient can take some of the advices which are listed below.
Asking questions about the process can help the patient to overcome his fear.
The knowledge of why a tooth extraction is needed is a way of overcome fear.
Having a company may help a patient. To know that someone he trusts is nearby.
Listening to music is also good distraction.
Doing breathing exercises may also help the patient overcome his fear of tooth extraction.
What Should Be Considered After Tooth Extraction?
After tooth extraction, it is extremely critical to keep the extraction area clean. That is the reason why the following advices are given to a patient:
The patient is recommended to rinse the extraction are a few times a day with an antimicrobial mouthwash.
The patient is recommended to avoid brushing the extraction area. When the dental expert clears the brushing, the patient can maintain his normal life.
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